Dean Conf. dr. ec. Corina DUMITRESCU
Vice-Dean: George Cătălin Alexe
Vice-Dean: Cristina Petronela Simion
Vice-Dean: Lect.dr. Razvan Mihai DOBRESCU
Vice-Dean: Daniela Cristina MOMETE

Departamentul de Management
Director de departament:
Prof.dr.Gheorghe MILITARU
telefon: +4021.402.95.28 /  +4021.316.96.44 / +4021.402.93.36

Departamentul de Economie
Director de departament:

Departamentul de Inginerie Economica
Director de departament:
Prof. Dumitru Radu STANCIU
telefon: +40- 21-402 91 06

Splaiul Independentei nr 313, Sector 6, Bucuresti, RO-060042 – Corp BN208

Telefon / Fax
Tel: +40 21 402 95 54 / 40 21 402 95 28



Fields of Study
Business Engineering and Management
Economic Engineering in Electric, Electronic and Energetic Field (IEC)
Economic Engineering in Chemical and Materials Industry

Specializări Master
Antreprenoriat, managementul şi ingineria afacerii
Calitatea produselor şi serviciilor industriale
Ingineria resurselor umane în organizaţiile industriale
Inginerie economică în activităţi industriale
Management of the Digital Enterprise / Managementul întreprinderii digitale
Marketing industrial
Managementul organizaţiilor educaţionale
Politici Economice Europene


The Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Business Engineering and Management (FEBEM) ensures effective education, engineering and managerial training based on creativity and practice, offering its students real opportunities to compete on the labour market, including the entrepreneurial area.

The faculty addresses both young people interested in building a career in the business environment (in industrial and other fields), and those who wish to develop their own business.

The teaching staff, nationally and internationally recognized, make the transfer of knowledge in an interactive manner, constantly connected to the practice, providing all the necessary conditions to stimulate thinking, experience and their own aptitudes.

FEBEM offers students a consistent material base, providing a modern library, equipped with books in the areas of interest related to the specialization “Business Engineering and Management “, such as: management, marketing, human resources management, organizational development, finance, project management, business communication, strategic management as well as other valuable monographs and books in specific related areas. It should be noted that most books come from highly prestigious publishers, such as Prentice Hall, McGraw Hill, Pearson, Teora, Niculescu and others.
FEBEM also has modern teaching laboratories where useful software simulations are used in developing the students’ managerial skills, such as for example: The Marketing Game, Primavera, Adonis, Adoscore, MS Project, etc.

Based on a biunivocal relationship between the academic environment and the business world, the faculty has close relationships with major international corporations (HP, Siemens, Porsche, Hornbach, Salesianner, etc.), graduates being able to successfully meet the selection criteria imposed by the demands of the employment grid.
After the four years of undergraduate studies, master studies provided by FEBEM ensure great compatibility with the quality requirements imposed by European standards in terms of higher education, in the context of the EU labour market continuing evolution.