Dean: Ilona COSTEA
Vice-Dean: Cornelia STAN
Vice-Dean: Marius Florea TOMA
Vice-Dean: Stefan Constantin BURCIU
Vice-Dean: Florin Codrut NEMTANU
Vice-Dean: Gabriel POPA

Autovehicule rutiere
Director departament
Conf. dr. ing. Daniel Mihail IOZSA
telefon: +4021-402 95 48

Transporturi, trafic si logistică
Director departament Rosca Eugen
telefon: +4021-402 95 47

Telecomenzi si electronică în transporturi
Director departament
Conf. dr. ing. Marius MINEA
telefon: +4021-402 95 89

Material rulant de cale ferată
Director departament:
Prof. dr. ing. Traian MAZILU
telefon: +4021-402 96 95

Splaiul Independentei 313, cod postal 060042, sector 6, Bucuresti, Corp JA 003

Telefon / Fax
Tel: +4021-402 95 68
Tel: +4021-402 95 69



Fields of study
Automotive Engineering
Automotive Propulsion Systems Engineering
Transport and Traffic Engineering
Vehicles for Railway Transport
Remote Control and Electronics in Transport

Specializări Master
Cercetare şi dezvoltare în ingineria autovehiculelor
Sistem integrat om-autovehicul-mediu
Sisteme şi tehnologii avansate în domeniul autovehiculelor
Ingineria mediului şi managementul calităţii în domeniul feroviar
Logistica transporturilor
Management în transporturi
Transport și trafic urban
Sisteme inteligent pentru transporturi
Sisteme telematice pentru transporturi
Fenomene de interacţiune vehicul-cale de rulare
Vehicule feroviare de mare viteză

Mai multe informatii


The Faculty of Transports has a tradition of over 50 years.
The Railway Faculty was founded in 1948. The Institute of Railway Technology was founded a year later. In 1953, the Chair of Railway Signaling and Centralization (later turned into Railway Remote Control) was part of the Faculty of Electronics.

In 1959, the Railway Institute joined the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest and the Faculty of Transports was thus founded. Starting with 1972, the specialization in Railway Remote Control is transferred to the Faculty of Transports which thus provided four specializations: Road Vehicles (founded in 1959), Railway Rolling Stock, Transports Engineering (founded in 1948 and called Circulation and Exploitation) and Railway Remote Control.

Nowadays, the Faculty has five specializations in full-time study mode: Automotive Engineering and Automotive Propulsion Systems Engineering in the field of Automotive Engineering, Vehicles for Railway Transport in the field of Mechanical Engineering, Transport and Traffic Engineering in the field of Transport Engineering and Remote Control, and Electronics in Transports in the field of Engineering in Electronics and Telecommunications.
The Faculty prepares graduates of advanced studies in four specializations: Economy and Vehicle Safety, High Speed Railway Vehicles, Transports Logistics and Telematic Systems for Transports, as well as in the Master specialization Transport and Urban Traffic (with a length of two years). The faculty also provides doctoral studies under the supervision of six professors.

The graduates of the Faculty of Transports have competences in designing, manufacturing and exploitation of road and railway vehicles, traffic and circulation safety, transports management, legislation in transports, electronics and remote control in transports, intelligent transport systems, etc. The balance between the fundamental general technical training and the specialized training has enabled the graduates to assert their professionalism in other spheres of the socio-economic activity: public administration, commerce, insurance, technical examinations, etc. The quality of the professional training in accordance with the labour market demands has enabled the vast majority of graduates to find a job in a short time.
The number of students attending the faculty is about 2,300.

The teaching staff, the students and the auxiliary technical personnel are involved in research activities within the specialized Departments and in the research centres affiliated to the Departments by research contracts, articles and papers. Since 1982, the Faculty has organized the scientific session entitled ‘’ Economy, Vehicles Safety and Reliability’’ which has become a landmark European event among the specialists in this field. The Faculty has also organized numerous prestigious scientific events.