Dean: Conf.dr. Maria Iuliana DASCĂLU
Vice-Dean: prof. dr. ing. Andrei VASILĂȚEANU
Vice-Dean: conf. dr. Ana – Maria NEAGU
Vice-Dean: conf. dr. ing. Iosif Vasile NEMOIANU
Vice-Dean: conf. dr. Adriana LUNGU
Vice-Dean: conf. dr. ing. Cătălina – Georgiana DOBRE

Departamentul de Inginerie in Limbi Straine
Director departament Ionel-Bujorel PAVALOIU
telefon: +40-21-402 96 06

Departamentul de Comunicare in Limbi Moderne
Director departament
Conf.dr. Cristina Mihaela NISTOR
telefon: +40-21-402 93 62

Splaiul Independentei 313, Bucuresti, 060042, Corp JE 105

Telefon / Fax
Tel:+4021-402 98 89,
Tel: +4021-402 95 90
Fax: +4021-402 91 11



Fields of study
Applied Electronics (in English, French and German)
Information Technology (in English and French)
Mechanical Engineering (in English and French )
Chemical Engineering (in English)
Economic Engineering in the Electrical Domain (in German)
Economic Engineering in the Mechanical Domain (in German)
Materials Science (in English)

Specializări Master
Management, innovation et technologies des systèmes collaboratifs / Management, inovare si tehnologii ale sistemelor colaborative
Software Engineering / Ingineria sistemelor de programe
Ingénierie des systèmes industriels / Ingineria sistemelor industriale
Business Administration and Engineering / Administrarea şi ingineria afacerilor
Entwicklung und Organisation mechatronischer Systeme / Dezvoltarea si organizarea sistemelor mecatronice
Geschäfts- und Industrieverwaltung / Administrarea şi ingineria afacerilor în industrie
Technologie de la traduction automatique / Tehnologia traducerii automate
Energy engineering
Ingénierie des systèmes intégrés avancés / Ingineria sistemelor integrate avansate
Fotonică şi materiale avansate
Mai multe informatii      

The Faculty of Engineering in Foreign Languages is a school of engineers where teaching is conducted in three international languages: English, French and German.

The Faculty of Engineering in Foreign Languages (FILS) aims to educate well-prepared engineers with a sound professional basis for Romania’s benefit, engineers who can ensure the interface with foreign investors.

The Faculty is open to foreign students who are thus exempted from the necessity to learn Romanian before starting their studies. The length of studies is four years. The graduates who pass the diploma exam are awarded an internationally recognized Bachelor’s degree.

FILS’s Objectives :

  • Educating bilingual and multilingual specialists with a wide training background, specialists able to satisfy the needs of the Romanian companies whose cooperation with foreign companies and whose foreign relations are developed; specialists able to satisfy the needs of joint ventures and of foreign companies located in our country.
  • Promoting the students’ mobility by sending them abroad for company internships, for linguistic trainings and studies in partner universities, and by students’ exchanges.
  • Developing bilateral and multilateral relationsips with universities and schools of engineers in advanced countries in order to ensure a rapid transfer of pedagogical and specialized knowledge, to ensure mutual cooperation and to have the graduation diplomas internationally recognized.
  • Allowing foreign students to start their studies without being obliged to learn Romanian beforehand.