The University Politehnica of Bucharest is an advanced research and education institution, which aims to create a climate of trust and mutual respect through the educational efforts it puts forward.
Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with the research of moral issues in relation to all the norms and rules of a society.
The Commission for Ethics and Academic Integrity (CEIA) has the mission to prevent and eliminate the facts that may contribute to the lack of ethical conduct within an official organization. It is made up of people with moral authority, nominated over a four-year term and functioning on the basis of formal rules.
Its structure is proposed by the Board of Directors, endorsed by the Senate of the University and approved by the Chancellor.
The University promotes a rational value system, adjacent to the use of cognitive skills. These include:
University autonomy;
Academic Freedom;
Personal freedom;
Professional honesty;
Equal opportunities.
The University Politehnica of Bucharest defends the intellectual and industrial property rights in a transparent way, with the role of supporting the prestige of the institution.