Dean: Prof. dr. ing. Sorin Ștefan Biriș
Vice-Dean: Ș Mihaela Florentina DUȚU
Vice-Dean: Ș George Cătălin ION
Vice-Dean: ș.l. dr. ing. Elena Mădălina Ștefan

Director departament
Prof. dr. ing. Andrei CRĂIFĂLEANU
Telefon: +4021-402 94 39

Sisteme biotehnice
Director departament Gheorghe Voicu
Telefon: +4021-402 91 32

Splaiul Independentei 313, sector 6, Bucuresti, cod 060042, corp D 103

Telefon / Fax
Tel: + 4021-402 96 48
Tel: + 4021-402 96 49



Fields of study
Machines and Equipment for Agriculture and Food Industry
Biotechnical and Ecological Systems Engineering
Sustainable Rural Development Engineering
Food Engineering

Specializări Master
Ingineria şi managementul sistemelor biotehnice
Inginerie şi management în protecţia mediului
Ingineria şi managementul procesării şi păstrării produselor agroalimentare
Tehnologii avansate în industria alimentară
Cercetarea, proiectarea şi testarea sistemelor biotehnice
Controlul zgomotelor şi vibraţiilor
Inginerie şi proiectare asistate de calculator pentru maşini şi structuri mecanice

Mai multe informatii


Food industry, environment protection and agriculture are fundamental to all national economies, guaranteeing the existence of independent nations. After they were in decline for a few years, the same as the entire economy in Romania, these industries are now booming. The strict international regulations regarding environmental protection must also be observed in our country. These are only a few reasons why the need for specialists in the above-mentioned domains is higher.

The Faculty of Biotechnical Systems Engineering meets this demand with its modern and necessary specializations, which are part of two very important domains of economic development: Mechanical Engineering and Environment Engineering. Those who want to become mechanical engineers, specialists in machines and equipment for food industry and specialists in agricultural machinery can opt for the specialization in Machines and Equipment for Agriculture and Food Industry. Those who are interested in issues regarding ecology and environment protection can choose one of the following specialities: Biotechnical and Ecological Systems Engineering or Sustainable Rural Development Engineering.

Starting with 2005-2006, the length of studies in these specializations is 4 years. The graduates earn a Bachelor of Science in one of the above-mentioned domains, Mechanical Engineering or Environment Engineering.

The graduates who have obtained good results can continue their university studies by opting for a Master which enables their thorough approach of the Bachelor’s domain or of a related domain, enhancing their scientific research capacities and having the necessary and compulsory basis for the doctoral studies.

The graduates’ employment opportunities are various. They can exploit their engineering knowledge in companies with the following lines of business: designing, manufacturing and maintaining machines and equipment for the food industry (meat industry, milk industry, extractive and fermentative industry, bread manufacturing, vegetables and fruit processing, etc.), equipment for environment protection and biotechnologies, for exploiting and maintaining technical systems in agriculture, as well as management activities in the above mentioned domains.