Dean: Daniel-Eugeniu CRUNȚEANU
Vice-Dean: ș.l. dr. ing. Constantin LEVENȚIU
Vice-Dean: conf. dr. ing. Laurențiu – Eugen MORARU
Vice-Dean: ș.l. dr. ing. Ioana – Cătălina ENACHE
Vice-Dean: ș.l. dr. ing. Cornel DINU

Ştiinţe Aerospaţiale „Elie Carafoli”
Director departament
Prof. dr. ing. Sterian DĂNĂILĂ
telefon: +4021-402 39 67

Ingineria Sistemelor Aeronautice „Nicolae Tipei”
Director departament Viorel Teodor Chelaru
telefon: +4021-402 38 75

Grafica Inginerească şi Design Industrial
Director departament
Prof. dr. ing. Ionel SIMION
telefon: +4021-402 91 08

Str. Polizu 1-7 cod poştal 011061, sector 1, Bucureşti, Local Polizu, A 045

Telefon / Fax
Tel: +4021-402 38 12
Fax: +4021-318 10 07



Fields of study
Aerospace Constructions
Propulsion Systems
Equipment and Aviation Instruments
Engineering and Management in Aeronautics
Air Navigation (in English)
Aeronautical Design

Specializări Master
Ingineria transportului aerian (in limba engleza – Air transport engineering)
Avionică şi navigaţie aeriană
Inginerie şi managemnet aerospaţial
Management aeronautic
Propulsie aerospaţială şi protecţia mediului
Structuri aeronautice şi spaţiale
Sisteme holistice spatiale
Grafică inginerească şi design

Mai multe informatii


The Romanian contribution to pioneering in aviation is remarkable and has worldwide recognition. The names of Traian Vuia (the first complete flight by his own aircraft, 1906), Henry Coanda (the first jet engine used for propulsion in aviation, 1920) and Aurel Vlaicu (an inventor with high performances, 1910) are well-known to the aviation world.

The higher education in aviation started in 1928, when Prof. Elie Carafoli opened the first conference on Aeronautics at the Polytechnic school in Bucharest. He also built the first wind tunnel in South-Eastern Europe (1931), still in operation.
The Specialization in Aviation existing at the Polytechnic of Bucharest during the period 1933-1971, became the Faculty of Aerospace Constructions in 1971, with 180-200 students entrance number per year. To become an aerospace engineer four years of study are required.

The engineers trained in the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering of University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest are educated to be open minded, able to adapt themselves to any new technical and scientific requirements, as well as to problems related to engineering management, wherever they have to work.