Dean: Mihnea Alexandru Moisescu
Vice-Deanprof. dr. ing. Ioana FĂGĂRĂȘAN
Vice-Dean: ș.l. dr. ing. George Cristian FLUTUR
Vice-Dean: prof. dr. ing. Alin Dragoș Bogdan MOLDOVEANU
Vice-Dean: prof. dr. ing. Răzvan Victor RUGHINIȘ
Vice-Dean: conf. dr. ing. Victor Iosif ASAVEI
Vice-Dean: ș.l. dr. ing. Dumitru – Cristian TRANCĂ

Automatică si Ingineria sistemelor
Director de departament:
Prof. dr. ing. Cristian OARA
Telefon: +4 021 402 93 31
Fax: +4 021 402 95 87

Automatică si Informatică industrială
Director de departament Anca Danilea Ioniță
Telefon: +4 021 402 92 69

Director de departament Emil Slușanschi
Telefon/fax: +4 021-402 93 32

Splaiul Independentei 313, cod postal 060042, sector 6, Bucuresti, corp ED 103-105

Telefon / Fax
Tel Secretariat: +40 21 402 94 94
Tel Decan: +4021-402 91 79
Fax: +4021-318 10 14



Fields of study

  • Department of Computer Science and Engineering
  • Department of Automatic Control and System Engineering
  • Department of Control Engineering and Industrial Informatics
Specializări Master
Administrarea bazelor de date
Arhitecturi avansate de calculatoare
Artificial Intelligence / Inteligenţă artificială
Grafică, multimedia și realitate virtuală
Ingineria sistemelor internet
Management în tehnologia informației
Parallel and distributed computer systems / Sisteme de calcul paralele şi distribuite
Securitatea reţelelor informatice complexe
Servicii software avansate
Arhitecturi orientate pe servicii pentru întreprinderi
Automatică și informatică industrială
Control avansat şi sisteme în timp real
Managementul şi protecţia informaţiei
Prelucrări complexe de semnal în aplicaţii multimedia
Service engineering and management / Ingineria și managementul serviciilor
Sisteme informatice integrate avansate
Sisteme informatice în medicină
Sisteme inteligente de conducere
Tehnici avansate în domeniul sistemelor și semnalelor
Ingineria şi managementul sistemelor de afaceri
Mai multe informatii      

The Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers prepares engineers specialized in the fields of Systems Engineering and Computers and Information Technology, based on modern study programmes that combine theoretical aspects with practical excellence. Our students beneficiate from a competitive learning environment stimulating creativity, the technical and scientific initiative, personal development and continuous involvement of the future specialists in building the society of knowledge.

The Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers prepares engineers in the following fields: the structure and architecture of computing systems, systems based on microprocessors, programming languages, software applications systems, artificial intelligence and expert systems (for the students of the Computer Science department) and control systems engineering, advanced management systems, robots and automated production systems, bioengineering and intelligent systems, industrial automation (for the students of the Automatic Control and Industrial Informatics department).

The current curriculum is the outcome of over 30 years of experience and evolution, closely following the progress in the fields of Automatic Control and Computer Science. Due to the courses organized by the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, the diploma that is granted is equivalent to those obtained at the most prestigious universities in the world.

The research activity within the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, together with the design, consulting and expertise activities, are mainly carried out by specialised chairs but also by the research centres in our faculty. Thus, the results obtained from research are an important criterion in evaluating the skills of our teaching staff, which are closely monitored.

Details regarding the learning process can be found in the:

The guide of the future student (in Romanian)