Any ERASMUS+ exchange (incoming) student must be nominated on the ERASMUS UPB Platform by their sending university coordinator.


  1. The sending university coordinator must send a message by e-mail at ERASMUS@UPB.RO to receive the credentials for the ERASMUS UPB Platform.
  2. The sending university coordinator must nominate the student on the ERASMUS UPB Platform.

Deadline for nomination:

– 15th of June for the Autumn Semester and all academic year,

– 15th of November for the Spring Semester.


3. The nominated student will receive an automatic reply from ERASMUS UPB Platform to get access.

4. The nominated student must complete the Student Application Form and the Learning Agreement on ERASMUS UPB Platform.

5. For finalizing the registration, the nominated student must sign the Student Application Form and the Learning Agreement on ERASMUS UPB Platform.

6. For finalizing the registration, the sending university coordinator must validate the Student Application Form and the Learning Agreement on ERASMUS UPB Platform.

Deadline for registration:

– 30th of June for the Autumn Semester and all academic year,

– 30th of November for the Spring Semester.


*For choosing the correct field of education and training check the ISCED standard.

**Details about the Responsible Person from each faculty, check Responsible for Faculties.

Faculty Name ISCED code Course catalogue Contact Erasmus Faculty Responsible
Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FIE) 0713 Bachelor program

Master program

Prof. Ana-Maria DUMITRESCU
Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science (FAC) 0714, 0610 Master programs in EN


Prof. Ioan SACALA
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ETTI) 0714


Bachelor in EN: https://etti.upb.ro/en/cp_services/etti-engleza/

Master programs in EN:


Prof. Iulian NASTAC
Faculty of Mechanics and Mechatronics (FIMM) 0715 European Project Semester (E+ study mobility)

Master program

Prof. Marilena STOICA
Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Robotics (FIIR) 0710, 0715 https://www.fiir.upb.ro/index.php/en/studenti/grading-system Prof. Irina SEVERIN
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering (FIA) 0716 Bachelor Prof. Daniel CRUNTEANU
Faculty of Engineering in Foreign Languages (FILS) 0710, 0711, 0714, 0715 Master and Bachelor studies Prof. Adriana LUNGU
Faculty of Medical Engineering (FIM) 0710  Master program:

Smart Biomaterials and Applications (SMART)

Prof. Izabela-Cristina STANCU
Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Engineering and Business Management (FAIMA) 0710, 0410 Bachelor programs:

BEM – Available for third and fourth year

BEM – Available for first and second year 

Master programs:

Management Digital Enterprises

Business Engineering and Entrepreneurship

Prof. Daniela MOMETE
Department of UNESCO Chair 0714, 0716 Master programs in collaboration with FAC and FIA:


Prof. Ioan SACALA

Prof. Daniel CRUNTEANU

When you arrive in Bucharest, you must visit ERASMUS+ Office.

You must bring with you when the semester begins:

  • 3 photos (3/4 photo type for the Student ID – 2 photos, for the Library ID – one photo).
  • A photocopy of your ID or passport for registration at the Hostel (Dorm) check-in (only for the students who request accommodation in the campus).


Ask your home university for the Certificate of Arrival form, and the ERASMUS+ Office will sign it at your arrival.

After the start of the semester, you can change/add/delete courses from your Learning Agreement on ERASMUS UPB Platform.