In 2002, the University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB) implemented a Quality Management System (SMC) to create models of thought and behaviour, the effect being to continuously improve all academic processes and activities in the University.
Quality management is a set of activities that aim to create goals by making effective use of the resources available to the institution. This concept embraces certain planning, coordination, organization, control and quality assurance activities, with a role in improving the university’s performance.
On this occasion, the University Politehnica of Bucharest has established various support structures, such as: the Quality Council, at the university level and the Quality Commissions, at faculties’ level.
The Quality Council is an advisory body to the University Senate regarding quality issues. It is chaired by the Rector and led by the President, but also includes students and quality specialists from outside the university.
The limits of competence and the relationships established between these newly created structures and the already existing structures of the university are presented in the Regulation on the Quality Management System in UPB and the Regulations of the Quality Council, as well as in the Organization chart of the SMC structure in UPB.
The documentation of the Quality Management System of UPB includes:
–The Quality Management Manual, which presents the Chancellor’s Quality Policy Statement;
–System and Operational Procedures, operating in UPB’s education and research.
In accordance with Law no. 87/2006, for the approval of Urgency Ordinance no. 75/2005 on Quality Assurance in Education, for the creation of a Quality Evaluation and Quality Assurance Committee at the university level, UPB has developed a Regulation for the Organization and Functioning of this Committee and created the Quality Management Department as its logistic support.
The Quality Assessment and Quality Assurance Committee, consisting of a coordinating vice-chancellor, two professors, one trade union representative and one student, prepares the Annual Report on Quality Assurance in UPB, and is then discussed and approved in the University Senate.