The Administrative Capacity Operational Programme 2014-2020 (POCA) will promote the creation of a modern public administration capable of facilitating socio-economic development through competitive public services, investment and quality regulation, thus contributing to the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy. In order to fulfill this role, public administration needs competent and well-managed human resources, an efficient and transparent management of resources, an adequate institutional-administrative structure, as well as clear, simple and predictable operating procedures. Such an administration must be able to provide policy makers with the tools to substantiate and implement public policies in the interest of citizens. Optimizing administration is an important condition for implementing any structural change towards smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
POCA 2014-2020 addresses all 8 development regions of Romania. Under the programme, the following types of beneficiaries will be eligible for funding: central public authorities and institutions, autonomous administrative authorities, NGOs, social partners, higher education and research institutions, the Romanian Academy, local public authorities and institutions at county level and the municipalities, authorities and local public institutions benefiting from ITI, the institutions in the judiciary.
The financial allocation of the European Social Fund programme for the period 2014-2020 is EUR 553.19 million.
The POCA 2014-2020 budget is structured on three priority areas, as follows:
- – Efficient public administration and judicial system with a budget of EUR 326.38 million (59%);
- – Accessible and transparent public administration and judicial system, with a budget of EUR 187,69 million ESF (33,93%);
- – Technical assistance, with a budget of € 39.11 million (7.07%).