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University Politehnica of Bucharest<\/strong> has a tradition of more than 20 years in promoting the European dimension, encouraging students exchanges and cooperation between academic institutions in the participating countries. The Socrates programme was the beginning and it was implemented on the basis of Decision no. 819\/95 \/ EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of Europe of 14 March 1995.<\/p>\n

ERASMUS+<\/a> is the program by which the European Union supports education, training, youth and sport between 2014-2020, with the main features being: recognition and validation of skills and qualifications; dissemination and exploitation of project results; open access to the teaching materials, documents and media tools created within the programme; the international dimension (cooperation with partner countries in the field of higher education and sport); multilingualism; equity and inclusion; protection and safety of participants.<\/p>\n

The structure of the ERASMUS + programme:<\/p>\n

Key action 1: Learning mobility of individuals
\nKey action 2: Innovation and best practices
\nKey action 3: Support for policy reform.<\/p>\n

TYPES OF ACTIVITIES<\/strong><\/p>\n

The following types of mobility are considered in the key action 1 (KA1) targeting academic institutions:<\/p>\n