
[vc_row][vc_column css=”.vc_custom_1520092681250{margin-top: 10px !important;margin-bottom: 10px !important;}”][vc_column_text]<\/p>\n

UPB benefits from approximately 13,000 accommodation places, divided into 2 campuses:<\/h4>\n

[\/vc_column_text][vc_separator][\/vc_column][\/vc_row][vc_row u_row_style=”0″ u_row_paralax=”0″ u_row_scheme=”0″ kswr_row_top_decor_enabled=”false” kswr_row_bottom_decor_enabled=”false”][vc_column width=”2\/3″][vc_column_text]Regie<\/strong>, located in 290Splaiul Independentei, sector 6, Bucharest, is composed of 27 student halls (26 belonging to UPB and one – P20 belonging to the University of Medicine), a cafeteria, a laundry room, a medical centre, a police unit, several food shops, copy centres, restaurants and clubs.<\/p>\n

All UPB residences have undergone major repairs over the last four years, offering optimal accommodation and study conditions (reading rooms in all the halls). All furniture – beds, cabinets, study tables and chairs, as well as bedding (mattresses, beds, sheets) is new.<\/p>\n

The 28 student halls belonging to UPB are divided into three main categories:<\/p>\n